Tuesday, December 20, 2011

PDVSA, Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (CITGO) on Andres Agostini │ @ futuretronium │ www.Future-Observatory.blogspot.com

NB:  PDVSA is the acronym to Petróleos de Venezuela S.A., Venezuela’s state-owned petroleum-exploitation group. At the time of issuance of this letter, PDVSA was ranked #2 by several specialized journals.

Caracas, October 24, 1994

Mr. Andres Agostini

Dear Sirs,

The present letter is to manifest ─ on behalf of the group of Medical Managers of the subsidiary companies [held by PDVSA(*)] ─, our gratitude for the presentation on the Medical Plan of Comprehensive Preventative Health-care, termed CORSALUD [to cover a total beneficiary universe of about 210,000 people], as per our meeting held at the Tamanaco Hotel’s Orinoco conference room on the eleventh of the current month. We must acknowledge receipt, via the present letter, of the quality and quantity of the information facilitated, as well as [we have to state also our thankfulness for] the
professionalism of the presentation’s incumbents.

As we mentioned then, we appreciate numerous and positive coincidences in the thinking and execution mode between CORS and the office of the Functional Manager of Medical Affairs. Accordingly, we thereby state our firm intent to continue assessing the specifics and the framework of the presented proposal. The latter must not constitute any commercial commitment or a source of direct or indirect costs to be bared by Petróleos de Venezuela or any of its subsidiary companies. To this end, we will communicate again with you in order to implement a [that is, an ensuing] working session, which we expect to be as soon as possible.

Finally, while reiterating our gratitude for the presentation, we are also thankful for the valuable supporting materials that were facilitated to us on that event.

Without any other particular to further refer to, we remain,



Dr. Edgar Vasquez L. [PDVSA’s worldwide]
Functional Manager of Medical Affairs

(*) PDVSA, that is to say: Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A.